SkyDome® Manager

심층 센서 통합 소프트웨어로써 탐지, 추적 및 포획 할 수 있는 다양한 옵션을 사용자의 니즈에 맞춰 설정할 수 있습니다.

최대 11개의 드론 탐지 가능

SkyDome Manager is purpose-built airspace monitoring and counter-UAS command and control software. It directly empowers security personnel with 3D airspace awareness, delivering detection, tracking, and mitigation of drone threats.

The software functions as an end-to-end sensor correlation platform integrating radar, long-range cameras, RF sensors, and drone mitigation systems. It can also be configured to add Fortem's industry-leading sensors or mitigation systems to third-party C2 systems — such as Northrop Grumman's FAAD C2 — through its rich API.

제품 특징

정확한 3D 감지
SWaP가 낮을 것으로 예상되는 소형 공기/지상 AESA 레이더. 드론 탐지 및 분류를 위해 설계되었습니다.
이상적인 SWaP-C
모든 TrueView® 레이더 제품은 소형, 경량이며 최소 전력을 요구합니다(R20 모델의 경우 38와트 미만).
공대공 이점
DroneHunter® UAV와 함께 개발된 R20은 드론을 목표로 하고 추적할 수 있는 공대공 레이더로 번창하고 있습니다.
센서 통합 준비 완료
TrueView® 카메라 장치와 페어링하여 레이더 유도 팬, 틸트, 줌 및 포커스 기능을 활용하여 실시간 시각적 추적을 수행할 수 있습니다.
낮음, 느림, 작음 — 모두 보기
다른 레이더가 따라가기 힘든 작고 저공 비행하며 느리게 움직이는(0.1m/s 미만) 드론을 탐지하고 추적합니다.
간편한 설정 및 운영
다른 센서 또는 완화 시스템의 안정적인 큐잉을 위해 최적화된 영구 또는 휴대용 애플리케이션을 위한 신속한 설정.
낮은 거짓 경보
다른 레이더는 종종 새에 의해 유발되는 잘못된 경보로 인해 어려움을 겪는 반면, TrueView® 레이더는 AI 기반 마이크로도플러 분류를 활용하여 관심 있는 물체에 대해서만 경고하고 주의를 분산시킵니다.
TrueView® 레이더는 환경을 고려한 필터링과 고급 시공간 적응형 처리(STAP) 알고리즘을 통해 땅에 가까운 곳에 위치하더라도 복잡한 대도시 지역에서 탁월한 성능을 발휘할 수 있습니다.

Ultimate DroneHunter® UAV Control

SkyDome Manager is purpose-built airspace monitoring and counter-UAS command and control software. It directly empowers security personnel with 3D airspace awareness, delivering detection, tracking, and mitigation of drone threats.

The software functions as an end-to-end sensor correlation platform integrating radar, long-range cameras, RF sensors, and drone mitigation systems. It can also be configured to add Fortem's industry-leading sensors or mitigation systems to third-party C2 systems — such as Northrop Grumman's FAAD C2 — through its rich API.

Enhanced Safety and Mission Control with Easy Operator Interface

SkyDome Manager gives oversight over automated actions by the system as well as empowers operators to directly control mission behavior of the DroneHunter. SkyDome operators can directly select validated targets and send the DroneHunter on a Pursue mission to either collect additional evidence or to warn off low threat violators.

DroneHunter's camera can view higher details of offending drones, such as if they are carrying packages or if an operator can be seen nearby, and display that video directly on the map page alongside DroneHunter telemetry and other drone mission controls in SkyDome Manager.

To facilitate warning off nuisance drones, operators can turn on and off both warning lights and/or the DroneHunter siren. When operators or drone threats are not being tracked by ground radar, DroneHunter can also be sent in a Go-To Location Mode where it flies to a given location and then begins a search pattern with its own radar to identify trackable objects in the area.

For higher threats, SkyDome Manager can send DroneHunter on Attack, Defend, or Auto-Capture missions. Operators can view DroneHunter telemetry details, battery levels, and directly control the release of captured drones or let the system autonomously drop them off at predefined drop zones. For added safety, operators can stop a pursuit at any time as well as recall the DroneHunter.

Advanced DroneHangar Management

Operators can monitor the temperature of the DroneHangar and its door state, as well as the DroneHunter connection and charging status.

DroneHangar doors automatically open when DroneHunter is launched, and remain open after launch, allowing users to reload nets and canisters on DroneHunter after missions before placing the DroneHunter back in the protected hangar. Operators can then manually close the DroneHangar doors or do so via SkyDome Manager.

Detailed Health Diagnostics and Flight Log

SkyDome Manager includes a detailed system diagnostics that displays health of the DroneHunter, as well as validates that critical configuration steps have occured (flight ceiling rules, drop zones, etc.). It also retains key details in standard logs and collects flight log details for post mission review.

국민의 안전과 국토 방위의 미래

Beyond The Perfection for Absolute Safety

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